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I'm no mystic...

I've spent almost twenty years from the day I opened my first book on the subject, to today.  I've read for friends and strangers, online and in person.  I use several decks, with several different influences.  I prefer decks with Thoth and Rider/Waite/Smith influences, though I have some based on their own imagery as well.  


This is not my full-time job.  I do this for fun, and am not out to steal your money with scams.  However, just like any other entertainment or counsel, I deserve to be paid for my time.  In return, I will give you a reading with images of the cards I use and full explanations of what I think they mean in your reading.  


Because I am not running a scam, I will never ask you where you live, I will never offer further services after the reading, such as "I see you have a curse - for only $10 I'll lift that for you..."  


So do I actually believe this stuff?  I fall mainly in the camp that believes we're all connected, and when we use tarot, we are tapping into that greater part of us, whatever you wish to call it: zeitgeist, uber-consciousness, God.  But I also believe that as humans, we see patterns in anything, and a series of cards with images is just too easy for our brains to make connections and tell ourselves a story.  In the end, I don't use tarot to "tell the future wooOOooooo!" Rather, I use the cards as a tool to gain insight in a way I may not have, before, and I hope you do, too.


And of course, as with all tarot reading services, I am obliged to tell you, this is for entertainment purposes only.  Take that, and my readings, how you wish.

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